Some way or another, pictures are always about the decisive moment. Here it really is a moment, because one moment later the composition wouldn’t be interesting anymore. In other pictures, a moment may last very long, and time may seem to stand still. Whatever you may see in a picture, it always depicts a moment in reality.Can’t help it: another 14mm picture. This is a combination of several exposures using luminosity masks. More about that technique another time.Made with Nikon Z 14_24 f/2.8 holding camera over my head, using the fold-down monitor from the Nikon Z7
Nikon Z7 AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 1/320s f/8
This picture is good and bad at the same time. The bad thing is, that it contains four objects, while we seem to prefer an odd amount of objects in an image, at least if the amount is small. The good thing is, that the flowers are backlighted. That makes the colors shine.